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Reddit rep ladies?
Reddit rep ladies?
What do we think? I can’t stop staring at it! It’s better than I ever imagined. CATCH & RELEASE: Celine Belt Bag Mini - $300 Perfection! I bought the micro and mini because I couldn't decide on size Valentino Flats - $130 comes with box In January I decided to seriously commit myself, pull the trigger and submit an order! I started to look for a seller by reading tons of Rep ladies posts. We recommend you read the requirements to post HERE and Google how to gain Reddit karma. All are welcome to ask and answer! Members Online The shade on the rep is probably truer to rose gold1: the rep has somewhat of a "crisp" feel to it. I am wondering if you've bought / seen any nice ladies reps? Looking for something other than a Rolex datejust, I have a gen Cartier tank so not that. Through global operations and offices, including in the USA and UK, DHgate reaches millions of people with trusted products and services. You can't go back once you go rep. You can get just about anything in any color for one to 10 percent of the price of. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. I only see suitcases, handbags, and barely shoes. RepLadies has it's own collection of trusted sellers, known to provide good items for females. Can someone recommend a good supplier / contact for Dior bags (esp… I am a first time rep buyer and found seller here in discussion chat. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. Fortunately a former Repladie made a new sub where most Repladies have moved to and it's pretty much continued on from where RepLadies left off 😊 The sub is r/luxelife but you will need to message u/Shamelessrepaccount to join 🙂 If this bag has been rep a lot, there might be tiers, but again the amount you quoted seem high compare to how much I paid for my GF for at the time the 'best" available and they are around $250-350. 5” single handle drop Authentic (via. When it comes to finding the perfect beauty products, many people are overwhelmed by the countless options available in the market. More recently it’s been said they shut it down temporarily due to an article being published about the sub and they wanted to protect their agents. Explain how you found him ( Reddit, LuxeLife, friend) Tell him in which country you live Send the complete name of the bag Send a photo of the bag ( authentic or rep) If you send the photo of the rep, the seller will recognize the background and will know which factory it comes from. A Women's Replica Community. 5 to 37 inches around the hips A girl’s size 14 is designed for a girl who is 60 to 62 inches in height with a 32-inch bust, a 265-inch hips. I want to buy a very good replica of dior book tote with personalised option I don’t know who is Nina / Aadi/ Angel factory. 5 to 35 inches around the bust, 26. RepLadies Kelly 24/24 Touch Black Matte Crocodile Handmade. She said Helen! I think it’s essentially a 1:1! I’m going to test said theory by taking her into the Prada store 😂 I also want the Le 5 a 7 Hobo from YSL, but the one she showed me I noticed the auth YSL logo has little screws (or something? around the corners of the actual logo, idk how to explain it) so I’m assuming that there are tiny little things like that varying from bag to bag. I'll mix it with my auth ones, and ultimately, nobody cares as much about designer bags as I do. I'm not keen on the Reddit DHG rep subs from sellers - they don't tell you anything at all - it's just, "buy my stuff". Please guide me from where and how to buy :( I got a couple of pairs of rep Alhambra earrings (not of this quality, but they’re gold plated over sterling silver) and they go with so many kinds of outfits. Many of our members are highly skilled in differentiating replicas from authentic products (legit checking), for the purpose of helping others avoid scams. 【RepLadiesDesigner】 Birkin Cargo Canvas & Swift 9R Lemon yellow & OM Tea Khaki Silver Hardware 35cm Full Handmade Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Frequently Asked Questions It’s only natural for new members to have loads of questions. My bag is taking about 30 days to make. Our subreddit is the most extensive archive of replica-related information in the world. Would love to know which sellers some of you ladies that have bought good reps use So surprised to see my rep QC had better stitching and a nicer fit and finish than the gen. I used to hit up the Chanel boutiques and buy a bag or two a year—nothing too crazy, but with the price nowadays, I could no longer justify the purchase. Welcome to the internet's largest Build-A-Bear Community, Reddit's very own r/buildabear! This subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of anything and everything Build-A-Bear related! Whether you are a newbie or you have a collection of over 300 bears, we welcome all Build-A-Bear fans! Yes, the best advice I’ve learned myself after doing three - four years of research on these subs, before actually making any actual purchases, is, 1. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. RepLadies has it's own collection of trusted sellers, known to provide good items for females. A sales rep walked in and said that’s an expensive sweater! She saw it in a department store I’ve known several women who had very pricy authentic bags that would fall under the “don’t make enough money” category A subreddit for Etsy sellers on Reddit to collaborate and discuss techniques and experiences selling their. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I know these are usually auth vs rep but I'm not ready to pull the auth plug so… Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. We used to be so alike, now FR is a shadow of it's former self Hello ladies, Fairly new rep buyer here, looking for some guidance in QCing a Delvaux Lingot. Rep Quality: This is a gorgeous rep. You can see it on the clasps. Looking to see if the price for the Rep is right. While many business owners may try to handle sales themselves or rely so. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. We strive to be an open, welcoming community to rep buyers, old and new, that helps buyers find the highest quality reps on the market. My main issue was that I live in Europe, and I reckon most of you ladies are from the USA, so initially I thought I would face shipping issues… (was not the case) The seller I chose was Nicole. Perhaps our rep purchases have more positive impact than we thought? This also includes basic guidelines for men and women, and advice on how to avoid a peccadillo or a dreaded faux pas. Tony has been responsive. Are you looking for an effective way to boost traffic to your website? Look no further than Reddit With millions of active users and countless communities, Reddit offers a uni. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion according to rules. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion according to rules. Many of our members are highly skilled in differentiating replicas from authentic products (legit checking), for the purpose of helping others avoid scams. Now that I have had a chance to use the bag a few times, I will now give a more in-depth review. What’s happening? Also, I thought Rome is a decent Factory. I am slightly biased as well since at this point im basically a whore for top handled tiny bags. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. Both CD and Xiao C share common sales agents and Xiao C had been previously categorized as CD, but the general consensus is that they are two independent suppliers. Refer to the FAQ & pinned post. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. Enjoy! General: A lot of seller lie for factory. That’s why I believe even the wide footed ladies out there should get the more accurate version, after a while they break in and will fit comfortably. As we age, our hair can become more difficult to manage. Placed my order on March 21st after chatting with the seller on March 14th. Communication has been stellar and I started out small with this LV wallet. We were all new once, so we get it. As women age, their hair can become more fragile and prone to damage. Factory is unknown, she doesn't disclose and I don't ask. A subreddit to ask questions (and get answers) about Reddit Tech Support Uploading photos upvote r/sportsphotography. r/sportsphotography. Lower back pain may also be experienced. Not a Store, just a Tool, 100% Free & Independent. The average mile time, or 50th percentile for girls depends on the age of the female, but varies between 10 and 11 minutes. Nautilus 7118 35mm: 3KF (super rep), PF, MSF Nautilus 7010 32mm: unknown factory Aquanaut 37mm: ZF Aquanaut 35mm: PPF Twenty~4 25mm: AW Factory Audemars Piguet. Fortunately a former Repladie made a new sub where most Repladies have moved to and it's pretty much continued on from where RepLadies left off 😊 The sub is r/luxelife but you will need to message u/Shamelessrepaccount to join 🙂 If this bag has been rep a lot, there might be tiers, but again the amount you quoted seem high compare to how much I paid for my GF for at the time the 'best" available and they are around $250-350. 25” doubled handle drop | 23. Help Me QC these Prada Monolith Loafers from Fisherman! This thread is archived. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. According to a survey created by its administrator, these are the women of RepLadies, a Reddit sub-forum with more than 200,000 female users created in 2016. I’ve been buying and wearing only auth for decades and had no clue about the rep world until 6 mo ago. A subreddit to ask questions (and get answers) about Reddit Tech Support Uploading photos upvote r/sportsphotography. r/sportsphotography. But I’ve been following Heidi for awhile. At first he said 20 but he let me know the other day it would take an additional ten days. I just ordered one from him and hope I made the right choice 😬 💼 Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. All are welcome to ask and answer! Members Online The shade on the rep is probably truer to rose gold1: the rep has somewhat of a "crisp" feel to it. Name, faces, and group further blocked out. safeway cake book CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who make third party reddit apps. This wiki is a gently modified replica of the historic … The Official /r/Fashionreps Discord Server to discuss clothing replicas | 99405 members. RepLadies. I just ordered one from him and hope I made the right choice 😬 💼 Although there may not be as much savings for gold rings as with larger pieces or diamond pieces, the value at one-third of the price of retail and at most half the price of any pre-loved authentic piece (with said pre-loved authentic piece being in very beat-up condition whereas the rep is in perfect, new condition) is incredible. A relative of mine actually has contact with a factory that's not listed here. More recently it’s been said they shut it down temporarily due to an article being published about the sub and they wanted to protect their agents. Lots of info… In January I decided to seriously commit myself, pull the trigger and submit an order! I started to look for a seller by reading tons of Rep ladies posts. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion according to rules. Designer Reps is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for replicas of high-end brands only. Buyer: share our experience, reviews , likes, dislikes, everything in between! Buyer: trust buyer, black list buyer Seller. 39 votes, 81 comments Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Explain how you found him ( Reddit, LuxeLife, friend) Tell him in which country you live Send the complete name of the bag Send a photo of the bag ( authentic or rep) If you send the photo of the rep, the seller will recognize the background and will know which factory it comes from. For anyone wanting a quote, you can simply drop her a text through WhatsApp with the model bag you want and she’ll give you bags a few different price points depending on the quality (Dhgate quality to Authentic Quality). RepLadies was a rep community unlike any other. csi full cast Click here to add gadgets to "page sidebar" RepLadies is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for replicas of high-end brands only. On Reddit, people shared supposed past-life memories. sellers are typically niche in their … It’s kind of hard to answer your question because it depends on a number of factors- brand (including the rep brand too honestly because some of these rep factories have built reputations that command higher prices), bag material and size, whether it’s all or part handmade, how many factories make it well, etc… Even on a few FB rep Groups I'm on, some are written in such poor English or far too 'gushy' to be real Feedback (think, Amazon Vine reviewers XD), so it's very hard to figure out who's telling the truth. It actually happened to me where factory photos didn’t match PSP. So, I started this kinda wild hunt for the perfect Chanel rep. In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have a strong consumer reputation. RepLadies was a rep community unlike any other. Since starting this rep journey, I have added several pieces to my collections. 【RepLadiesDesigner】 Birkin Cargo Canvas & Swift 9R Lemon yellow & OM Tea Khaki Silver Hardware 35cm Full Handmade Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. I'll mix it with my auth ones, and ultimately, nobody cares as much about designer bags as I do. story of jeff RepLadies has it's own collection of trusted sellers, known to provide good items for females. But I honestly haven't seen a bad rep, so it was just trying to decide the very best. So always be careful out there with the feedback. The clothing should all have size options up to like a women's US xl. I’ve got some unisex pieces from Tiger and Rick coming to our WGB warehouse though. We used to be so alike, now FR is a shadow of it's former self Hi ladies, I’ve been looking around for a pave love bracelet rep (specifically the gold one) and have quickly realised that miss Chen seems to be the go-to. As of 2014, the general measurements for a women’s size 6 are 34. Please guide me from where and how to buy :( I got a couple of pairs of rep Alhambra earrings (not of this quality, but they’re gold plated over sterling silver) and they go with so many kinds of outfits. This wiki is a gently modified replica of the historic RepLadies wiki and guides, before the content disappears forever. Reddit is a popular social media platform that boasts millions of active users. Is there a list of rep sellers out there that produces branding clothes (i. I ordered this lowkey hobo from Ceci half a month ago and I received it a couple of days ago. Reddit Forum Add widgets. Hopefully you find it useful. Good morning Rep Ladies, We all know it's just getting hotter outside.
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I got my 1st rep after 3 month scooping around this group to learn some things. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion according to rules. Royal Oak 67540 37mm: RXW (super-rep) Royal Oak 15450 37mm: JF Royal Oak 77350 34mm: BF (SS, YG, RG, Two Tone) Royal Oak 67650: JF (potentially out of stock) Ladies I'm currently in Paris, and I went to the chanel boutique earlier today, a lot of the Auth bags look like a bad rep 😭!! please don't be over analytical about your rep bags. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Real estate is often portrayed as a glamorous profession. CATCH & RELEASE: Celine Belt Bag Mini - $300 Perfection! I bought the micro and mini because I couldn't decide on size Valentino Flats - $130 comes with box. Wear them confidently🤍🤍 Ladies I'm currently in Paris, and I went to the chanel boutique earlier today, a lot of the Auth bags look like a bad rep 😭!! please don't be over analytical about your rep bags. I am also in one of the other notable women’s rep subs, which I’ve combed through most posts and comments for the crème de la crème. Its fairly tough to find a good inventory of auth photos online, but from what I’ve seen this rep seems fairly good Reddit Home of the Colorado Avalanche, By Fans, For Fans. it seems that I've gone overboard and Reddit had to cut me off with how many images I was embedding in this post Hi all, I’ll be in HK and GZ in a few months and intrested in buying some reps while there. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion … RepLadies. A size 30 in women’s jeans is equivalent to a dress size 10. Hi all! I'm new to the rep community as I've always purchased authentic bags but with the continuous price increases I've become curious about the world of reps. We are Reddit's largest community for the discussion of replica footwear. Since starting this rep journey, I have added several pieces to my collections. With millions of active users, it is an excellent platform for promoting your website a. We are Reddit's community for the discussion of replica Luxury. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. claire fry wect I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Feel free to post news, thoughts, QC, questions, updates, etc anything hoop shoe rep or retail related. This sub is not the new Repladies. I sent him a picture and we went from there. For some reasons, the rep feels more "authentic" than the. Christian Vierig // Getty. You can get just about anything in any color for one to 10 percent of the price of. In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have a strong consumer reputation. Reddit, often referred to as the “front page of the internet,” is a powerful platform that can provide marketers with a wealth of opportunities to connect with their target audienc. Its fairly tough to find a good inventory of auth photos online, but from what I’ve seen this rep seems fairly good. All you have to do is say they sent you a rep and even if they have proof that you bought a rep PayPal will refund your money so it's not worth the risk for them. Now that I have had a chance to use the bag a few times, I will now give a more in-depth review. Some of the other reps lean slightly more brown. Protagonists of a recent interview published on The Cut, the Rep-Ladies take their name from a sub-Reddit dedicated to counterfeit luxury goods, that is a space on the online … Designer Reps is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for replicas of high-end brands only. We encourage all to share and discuss the success and failure cases objectively to … RepLadies is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for replicas of high-end brands only. baddies south rock Wear them confidently🤍🤍 Before someone accuses me of putting photos on the internet, this was posted in my rep buying group and already shared. One key element in building a strong sales force is hiring experience. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Feel free to post news, thoughts, QC, questions, updates, etc anything hoop shoe rep or retail related. Lower back pain may also be experienced. Its fairly tough to find a good inventory of auth photos online, but from what I’ve seen this rep seems fairly good. I ordered 3 bags from DHGATE and when I stumbled on this whole replica world and received my first replica bag (Tonies Luxuries) I was mortified at the DHgate quality. Royal Oak 67540 37mm: RXW (super-rep) Royal Oak 15450 37mm: JF Royal Oak 77350 34mm: BF (SS, YG, RG, Two Tone) Royal Oak 67650: JF (potentially out of stock) Ladies I'm currently in Paris, and I went to the chanel boutique earlier today, a lot of the Auth bags look like a bad rep 😭!! please don't be over analytical about your rep bags. Bought from Annie and Wenzhi back in the day. Trusted sellers are sellers that continuously provide great products and services to the community. New to the rep world and snagged this sleek Neverfull Emptreinte MM in black from the Ultimate factory after lurking in this community for a couple of months. Lots of info… In January I decided to seriously commit myself, pull the trigger and submit an order! I started to look for a seller by reading tons of Rep ladies posts. Shipping was included, but tossed in an extra $25 for the box and 10% extra for seize Insurance for peace of mind. onslow county accident reports Fortunately a former Repladie made a new sub where most Repladies have moved to and it's pretty much continued on from where RepLadies left off 😊 The sub is r/luxelife but you will need to message u/Shamelessrepaccount to join 🙂 If this bag has been rep a lot, there might be tiers, but again the amount you quoted seem high compare to how much I paid for my GF for at the time the 'best" available and they are around $250-350. Not a Store, just a Tool, 100% Free & Independent. I checked because I thought that CAN’T be possible but damn, I see this post About this tweed bag on Wagoon ladies, and I am completely turned off by the mods over there. I’ve… Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. 🍊 This is a place to share questions, experiences, and information about Hermès, while also sharing Hermès products and love for the brand! RIP RL After the demise of RepLadies (RIP) Some of the mods decided to make a new community, not in an attempt to recreate RepLadies, but to provide a new space for community members to congregate, share resources, and finds, and all the things that made us love RL. The best 1:1 reps are probably 90% close to the authentics. Our subreddit is the most extensive archive of replica-related information in the world. the og reddit for ladies' reps is dead--if you're interested, check out r/luxelife or r/ladieswomensreps (both are private). I got it from rehome from amazing seller) I really wanted the authentic one but decided to try this game. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer… Founded in 2004, DHgate has become the leading B2B cross-border e-commerce marketplace in China. RepLadies Kelly 20CM Black Matte Porosus Crocodile Nior Gold hardware. Rep Quality: This is a gorgeous rep. 19 votes, 52 comments Hello 👋🏼 I’m new to this also. New to the rep world and snagged this sleek Neverfull Emptreinte MM in black from the Ultimate factory after lurking in this community for a couple of months. Hi Rep Ladies, I heard from another page that many of the RepLadies members had a positive experience purchasing from Aaron. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. RepLadies. Please press "See Community Info. I have the real thing, the Maxi 33cm, and this is a really good rep! The interior is the right color, the caviar is a little shiny but that will fade with age and time, and the side view shows that the flaps sit correctly instead of popping up- a sign of a well-made bag! Yep! I rely on my reps 98% of the time now that I have kids. Size 42 best for size 26cm foot.
In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have a strong consumer reputation. it seems that I've gone overboard and Reddit had to cut me off with how many images I was embedding in this post Hi all, I’ll be in HK and GZ in a few months and intrested in buying some reps while there. Are you an Avon representative looking to access your account and take advantage of all the benefits it has to offer? Look no further. I’ve been buying and wearing only auth for decades and had no clue about the rep world until 6 mo ago. Ladies I'm currently in Paris, and I went to the chanel boutique earlier today, a lot of the Auth bags look like a bad rep 😭!! please don't be over analytical about your rep bags. Its fairly tough to find a good inventory of auth photos online, but from what I’ve seen this rep seems fairly good Reddit Home of the Colorado Avalanche, By Fans, For Fans. PLEASE JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord. costume stores near my location I ordered 3 bags from DHGATE and when I stumbled on this whole replica world and received my first replica bag (Tonies Luxuries) I was mortified at the DHgate quality. Buyer: share our experience, reviews , likes, dislikes, everything in between! Buyer: trust buyer, black list buyer Seller. What’s happening? Also, I thought Rome is a decent Factory. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion according to rules. amazon lamps plus It actually happened to me where factory photos didn’t match PSP. If this bag has been rep a lot, there might be tiers, but again the amount you quoted seem high compare to how much I paid for my GF for at the time the 'best" available and they are around $250-350. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. Mumsnet is a popular online platform that has become a go-to resource for mothers seeking advice, support, and information. I’ve… Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Reddit Forum Add widgets. I bought it from Heidi (8792) and I paid 418 … RepLadies is a sub-Reddit dedicated to counterfeit luxury goods, and where a community of mostly millennial women gather to acquire them. macy's queen size electric blanket r/luxelife is the new sub for any former Repladies looking for a new home and is already full of reviews and posts 🙂 Ladies I'm currently in Paris, and I went to the chanel boutique earlier today, a lot of the Auth bags look like a bad rep 😭!! please don't be over analytical about your rep bags. So happy!! Paid $318 USD including shipping Initiated Dec 21, paid Dec 23, PSP review Dec 25, Arrived Jan 2 Ladies I'm currently in Paris, and I went to the chanel boutique earlier today, a lot of the Auth bags look like a bad rep 😭!! please don't be over analytical about your rep bags. With just a few clicks, you can explore countless options and. Hi ladies, This I my first time posting a rehome here, I was a member of the OG RepLadiesYSL Lou Lou is from 🍊🛋️ 260 2. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level.
I’ve been interested in ordering some bags (Chloe, goyard, celine etc. Tony luxuries is priced at 785 and seller Peters is selling it at 650 Reddit's very own r/buildabear! Hey, sometimes it’s not the seller’s fault. In 2017 a started digging on reddit and found some unkown subreddit and since then bought from multiple different seller. Wear them confidently🤍🤍 Hi, I was trying to get my wife a rep watch for her birthday, but i don't think the rep world takes women's watches very seriously. We encourage you to make reviews of what you buy and encourage discussion according to rules. Frequently Asked Questions It’s only natural for new members to have loads of questions. Click here to add gadgets to "page sidebar" RepLadies is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for. It’s kind of hard to answer your question because it depends on a number of factors- brand (including the rep brand too honestly because some of these rep factories have built reputations that command higher prices), bag material and size, whether it’s all or part handmade, how many factories make it well, etc… 139 votes, 17 comments. Reddit Trust Seller : Hermes Birkin 25CM Togo Leather 0G Rouge Sellier PHW Handmade 3yrs ago (2021) RepLadies is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for replicas of high-end brands only. If you want true 1:1 reps you have to purchase Lushentic grade, also known as superfakes, and there are plenty of sellers claiming to sell Lushentic grade when in fact they sell standard 1:1. With millions of users and a vast variety of communities, Reddit has emerged as o. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. This seller's behavior is beyond unprofessional. Frequently Asked Questions It’s only natural for new members to have loads of questions. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. The trusted sellers there have been reviewed by nearly a million members of those subs many times, in some cases there are literally thousands of reviews and posts about some of the larger trusted sellers. I am slightly biased as well since at this point im basically a whore for top handled tiny bags. it seems that I've gone overboard and Reddit had to cut me off with how many images I was embedding in this post Hi all, I’ll be in HK and GZ in a few months and intrested in buying some reps while there. I do wish the ladies on this sub would be better help to newbies though - he did ask for help finding a seller on here and no one commented or offered advice. Finding the right sales representatives can be a daunting task for any business. I’m in love with YSL but I’m looking for high quality reps only. I'm in the market for various brands of scarfs, LV and chanel bags and backpacks, belts, wallets, as … Hey everyone! Today, I wanted to share my thoughts and experience with the my new Small Lady Dior (Black Cannage Lambskin ). A place for everything sports / action photography related Anybody else unable. miken freak pt Buying rep goods online always carries a risk that something won't arrive/it'll be poor quality/it'll get seized etc. However, when it comes to finding games that cater specifically to girls, the opti. I want to buy a very good replica of dior book tote with personalised option I don’t know who is Nina / Aadi/ Angel factory. Tony has been responsive. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. In the past I would resell them for $125-$150 because I just didn’t want the hassle of back and forth. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. My main issue was that I live in Europe, and I reckon most of you ladies are from the USA, so initially I thought I would face shipping issues… (was not the case) The seller I chose was Nicole. I was having trouble finding women designer clothes and couldnt really find much compaired to mens so i made a spreadsheet mostly clothes i will keep adding to it but i hope this help people who were having the same problem as me <3 Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Hey guys! Thank you for the good comments on my last review. 13 votes, 60 comments. The clothing should all have size options up to like a women's US xl. Whether you are looking to change up your hairstyle or cover up hair loss, wigs offer a versatile soluti. **(Rep … Also looking for somewhere to sell some Chloe sneakers/shoes - devastates rep ladies bat has gone 😥. Be cautious when purchasing from them and do your research before making any transactions. Additionally, we welcome the discussion of replicas as a hobby, including reviews. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. In today’s digital era, online shopping has become increasingly popular, especially when it comes to women’s fashion. What’s happening? Also, I thought Rome is a decent Factory. Now that my eyes are opened and I have purchased 7-8 high tier reps I’m NOT going back (at least with bags and belts) to auth ever again. I mean awareness of this popular subreddit reached a point where they had articles about their forum published in online publications including the Cut piece titled, “The Rich New York Women Who Love Their Fake Birkins. Join our exciting journey towards healthier, radiant skin. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. axas stock twits Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Wear them confidently🤍🤍 Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. I’ve been interested in ordering some bags (Chloe, goyard, celine etc. I just ordered one from him and hope I made the right choice 😬 💼 Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. We aim to unveil the mystery of the rep industry, so that people can build their favorite collections smoothly. Normally we need an extra post for bags is very complex but i make is short. So, I started this kinda wild hunt for the perfect Chanel rep. Designer Reps is a community made for discussing, sharing, and searching for replicas of high-end brands only. Help Me QC these Prada Monolith Loafers from Fisherman! This thread is archived. I bought it from Heidi (8792) and I paid 418 … RepLadies is a sub-Reddit dedicated to counterfeit luxury goods, and where a community of mostly millennial women gather to acquire them. Wear them confidently🤍🤍 Repladies Designers is Discussion about replica Luxury Designer bags,clothes,shoes,Accessories. Wear them confidently🤍🤍 The first Hermès group on Reddit dedicated to orange box enthusiasts all around the world. Our subreddit is the most extensive archive of replica-related information in the world. It's also never a guarantee that even trusted sellers will be good sellers for forever. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level. Are you a sales professional looking for new and exciting opportunities? If so, you’re in luck. Rep Quality: This is a gorgeous rep. Does anyone have any photos of their pave love bracelet from miss Chen? Or any positive or negative comments about miss Chen. In the fast-paced world of sales, time is money. Bought these as a rehomes and have worn them 3 times. Please dm w any questions $135 - Fendi bag, this one’s a bit wider than a baguette and it’s double sided. A size 30 jean is designed to fit a woman with a waist measurement of 30 inches and a hip measurement of 40 inches. this subreddit was formed is hopes of creating a community where we can all enjoy fashion at any level.